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The Catholic Family Adventure Club is a homeschool social community for Catholic homeschooling families and those considering the vocation of homeschooling in the Tyler area of East Texas. Our families represent a variety of parishes throughout the region, homeschooling backgrounds, rites and liturgies, but all share the desire to increase faith through community.

We provide our families with regular social engagements to develop and maintain relationships that support and encourage us as individuals, families, homeschoolers and Catholics.

What we do:

Support the Domestic Church

The traditional purpose of any Catholic homeschool group is to support and strengthen the Domestic Church of individual families and thereby build up the Kingdom of God. We provide a variety of activities and opportunities that foster a deeper love for Christ and the Catholic Church. We want to place before our children role models of virtue to follow as they journey toward heaven. We celebrate the liturgical year with joy and solemnity and help expose our children to the richness that the Church offers each of us.

It's easy for the enemy to divide Catholics over perceived differences. To counteract this, we invite all Catholic homeschooling families to join us in this fellowship regardless of your background and place in your faith journey.

Regularly Join Together

By providing opportunities for meaningful and consistent engagement such as monthly Mass attendance, field trips, park dates, and liturgical events, the Catholic Family Adventure Club hopes that all members will be able to build lasting friendships for both the children and the families. Check out our 2024-2025 Programming Calendar for more information.

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